“Meeting the Needs of Today While Building a Strong Foundation for Tomorrow”
Family Resource Center in Carroll is planning its 14th Annual Fall Affair, to be held on Thursday, November 7 from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. Rueter’s Red Power, 1803 Radiant Road in Carroll, will host the event this year, which will include a full array of hors d’oeuvres and desserts provided by HyVee, music by All Strings Attached, and live and silent auctions. HyVee Wine & Spirits will offer a cash bar. Tickets are $40 per person and can be purchased at FRC at 502 W. 7th Street in Carroll, or at the door on the evening of the event. Proceeds from this year’s Fall Affair will be directed towards Family Resource Center’s Foundation to meet ongoing client needs.
On a daily basis, the dedicated staff members of Family Resource Center go about their work with compassion and dedication, with a distinct goal of helping countless area citizens in need. FRC has a widely encompassing and compassionate mission statement, which asserts, “Our mission is to strengthen families and the community by keeping children and dependent adults safe and nurtured, thereby preventing abuse and neglect.” FRC strengthens families by helping them become more self-sufficient, improving the quality of early childhood care, supporting children and adults with special needs in their homes, and keeping families and children “safe and nurtured,” as stated in FRC’s Mission Statement.
“Our community is so supportive of the services FRC provides to people in Carroll County and 22 surrounding counties,” stated Anne Collison, FRC board member and Fall Affair co-chairperson.
Tim Nichols, FRC Executive Director, added, “This annual event highlights FRC’s accomplishments in providing its many invaluable services to our clients, and also offers an opportunity to celebrate these successes with our community partners. “
Over 39 years ago, the Carroll County Council for the Prevention of Child Abuse (CCCPCA) was organized by parents who recognized an unmet need…assistance for families to improve the safety of children in Carroll County. As the agency continually added new programs, the CCCPCA later changed its name to Family Resource Center, a human services, non-profit corporation.
Services offered through FRC include Crisis Care, PTO (Parent Time-Out), and Child Care Projects. FRC also refers parents to child care resources, offers various education programs, connects residents with local families who need help buying Christmas gifts, and more.
Under the umbrella of Family Resource Center’s Waiver Program, FRC’s services include SCL (Supported Community Living), Respite, CDAC (Consumer-Directed Attendant Care), Home-Based Habilitation, and IMMT (Interim Medical Monitoring and Treatment).
FRC’s coordinators arranged for over 240 independent contract service providers to deliver the broad array of FRC’s specialized services to individuals with disabilities. Each client receives the respect and dignity of a choice, regardless of whether the disability is the result of a brain injury, developmental delays, mental health issues, intellectual disabilities, physical limitations, or simply being an elderly individual.
During fiscal year 2019, FRC’s Crisis Child Care Program provided 2,840 hours of child care, serving 18 families with 37 children. The Client Needs Closet served 80 individuals and families, and the Parent Time-Out Program provided 3,076 hours of child care to 69 families with 125 children. FRC’s Early Care and Education Projects provided 450 visits to 47 Early Learning Environments, offering 1,254 hours of support to child care centers serving 1,350 children. FRC’s waiver home staff offered 460,080 hours of service to 54 clients in fiscal year 2019. FRC’s hourly waiver services program offered a total of 588,000 hours to 402 clients. In total, FRC provided 1,055,250 hours of services to 2,048 individuals during fiscal year 2019.
Thirty-nine years after Family Resource Center began as the Carroll County Council for the Prevention of Child Abuse, FRC’s broad range of services are now offered in 23 counties in Iowa. Family Resource Center provides a beacon of hope for a brighter future to the countless individuals and families it serves.
Anyone requesting more information about the 14th Annual Fall Affair, or anyone interested in making a donation to FRC, may call 792-6440 and ask for Sherry Greteman, Marketing and Development Director, at extension 234.